Le forfait Hajj J
Le forfait Hajj J
Le Hajj en chiffres
Nous proposons quatre catégories de forfaits Hajj, minutieusement conçus pour répondre à tous les besoins des pèlerins, garantissant des expériences exceptionnelles tout au long de leur séjour dans les lieux saints et lors de l’accomplissement de leurs rituels. De leur accueil et leur orientation à la fourniture de nourriture, de transport confortable et à la sécurisation des ressources humaines pour répondre à leurs besoins, nous accordons la priorité à l’offre de tous les services et installations nécessaires. De plus, nous fournissons un soutien logistique et des conseils pour permettre aux pèlerins de se concentrer entièrement sur l’accomplissement de leurs rituels en toute facilité et commodité. En outre, nous proposons un enrichissement spirituel à travers divers programmes et activités visant à renforcer les liens spirituels et à offrir une expérience religieuse complète à la fois à La Mecque et à Médine, où les pèlerins ont l’opportunité d’accomplir leurs prières dans les Mosquées Saintes.
Le forfait J
The preparation of designated spaces from Kadanah Development and Enhancement Company, along with the installation of a closed-circuit surveillance system for security, is provided. Additionally, carpet flooring is laid inside the tents for the comfort of pilgrims, and a clinic for first aid is set up. Special provisions are made for individuals with special needs and the elderly, such as ramps and restroom facilities. Waste containers are provided, and restroom facilities are regularly cleaned, with cleaning services extended to the camp and pathways. Cleaning supplies and soap are also provided in the restrooms. Pathways are shaded to protect pilgrims from the sun, and electric fans are placed for ventilation at entrances and pathways. A company signboard and service center number are displayed at the main entrance gate, along with an informational board presenting essential information for pilgrims, including guidance details.
Accommodation in Mina includes providing many necessities for the comfort of the pilgrims. This includes, at least, a mattress measuring (7×175×50) cm for each pilgrim, a cotton pillow measuring (50×40) cm, along with a cotton pillowcase and cover. A summer cover measuring (200×100) cm and weighing (200) g/m² is provided during the summer season, and a winter cover measuring (200×100) cm and weighing (500) g/m² is provided during the winter season. Additionally, a cotton sheet is provided for each pilgrim, along with a sunshade for each pilgrim for protection from the sun’s rays. Electrical sockets are also provided at a rate of one socket per (12) square meters.
Human Resources
In Mina, the necessary human resources are provided to ensure the safety and comfort of the pilgrims. Security guards are stationed at the entrances, and a general supervisor is available around the clock. Additionally, there is a specialized technical team for food service and an adequate number of staff to provide services, with one staff member allocated for every 150 pilgrims. Customer service supervisors are provided at a rate of one supervisor for every 850 pilgrims. Maintenance technicians are available for emergency repairs of potential technical faults. The team comprises at least 50% Saudi nationals, with a provision for at least 2% female representation.
In Mina, pilgrims are carefully guided and warmly welcomed, with beverages provided for them. They are also directed to the nearest location for external services they may require, such as guidance, religious rulings (fatwas), healthcare services, and more. Additionally, a customer service office is provided and equipped to serve up to 4000 pilgrims in each camp.
In Mina, we offer a comprehensive range of meals and beverages for the comfort of pilgrims. Beverages include healthy water, tea, and coffee available around the clock. We provide three daily snacks consisting of fruits, pastries, and manufactured foods. Breakfast includes a main dish, two side dishes, and two types of fruit, while lunch consists of a hot meal with appetizers, a main dish, fruits, desserts, and beverages. Additionally, dinner comprises similar components, providing a hot meal for pilgrims’ satisfaction.
The camp
Preparing the spaces received from Kadanah Development and Improvement Company includes providing equipped kitchens for serving meals to pilgrims, installing a closed-circuit security camera system (CCTV), providing air conditioning and lighting for the camp and pathways, furnishing carpets inside the tents, establishing tiled ceramic bathrooms, and providing shaded first aid clinics. The work also includes setting up facilities for people with special needs and the elderly, cleanliness services for the camp and pathways, waste containers and pest control, providing hygiene tools and soap in bathrooms, as well as placing a signboard with the company’s name and service center at the main gate, and providing electric fans for ventilation in entrances and pathways.
The accommodation
To provide comfort and relaxation in the accommodation in the Arafat area, the preparation includes a mattress measuring (717550) cm for each pilgrim, along with a cotton pillow measuring (50*40) cm at least and a cotton pillowcase for each pilgrim. It also includes a summer cover measuring (200×100) cm and weighing (200) g/m during the summer or a winter cover measuring (200×100) cm and weighing (500) g/m during the winter for each pilgrim, in addition to a cotton fitted sheet for each pilgrim. Electric sockets are provided with a quantity of (2) outlets for every (25) square meters of space.
Pilgrims are received and directed to their camps, in addition to providing them with beverages. Pilgrims are also directed to the nearest location for external services they may need, such as sacrificing animals, seeking religious rulings, healthcare services, and others. A customer service office is set up to serve 4000 pilgrims in each camp, along with providing an informational guidance board displaying important information for pilgrims, including transportation details and contact information for the customer service center.
Human Resources
Security guards are provided at the entrances, with a general supervisor available around the clock to ensure safety and organization. Additionally, a specialized food service team is provided, along with an adequate number of staff members assigned to cater to each group of pilgrims, distinguished by a uniform and deployed around the clock, with the possibility of increasing the number as needed. Moreover, customer service supervisors and maintenance technicians (electricians and plumbers) are provided for emergencies. A minimum ratio of 50% Saudi nationals and 2% women are designated within the workforce to ensure diversity and adequate representation.
A variety of food options are available to pilgrims, with healthy water, tea, and coffee provided around the clock to ensure hydration. Additionally, three light meals are served daily, including fruits, sweets, and processed foods, with a commitment to serving meals on time without delay. Each pilgrim receives a dry or ready-made breakfast meal daily, consisting of a main dish, two side dishes, two types of fruits, and one type of beverage. Furthermore, a hot lunch is served daily, including appetizers, a main dish, two types of fruits, one dessert item, and one type of beverage, with a commitment to serving meals on time without delay.
تضمن خدمات موقع مزدلفة تسوية أرضية الموقع المخصص لمكوث الحجاج وتجهيزه بالشكل المناسب، بما في ذلك توفير فرش كامل لأرضية الموقع باستخدام جلايل. وتتوافر مساحة مخصصة لكل حاج وفقاً للمعايير المحددة من وزارة الحج والعمرة.
موارد بشرية
تتضمن الموارد البشرية في مزدلفة توفير مشرفي خدمات عملاء، حيث يتم تخصيص عدد (1) مشرف خدمات عملاء لكل (1000) حاج، مع تميزهم بزي موحد، وتوزيعهم على مدار 24 ساعة، مع إمكانية زيادة العدد في حال الحاجة.
كما يتم توفير عدد كافي من الموظفين والعاملين ضمن فريق العمل، حيث يتم تخصيص عدد (1) موظف لتقديم الخدمات لكل (400) حاج، مع تميزهم بزي موحد، وتوزيعهم على مدار 24 ساعة، مع إمكانية زيادة العدد في حال الحاجة.
ويتم تواجد العنصر النسائي ضمن فريق العمل بنسبة لا تقل عن (2%) من السيدات، بينما يتم تواجد السعوديين ضمن فريق العمل بنسبة لا تقل عن (50%) من الفريق.
في مزدلفة، يتم تقديم وجبة عشاء جافة تتضمن ساندويتشات، وفاكهة، وعصير، بالإضافة إلى مياه صحية. يتم الالتزام بزمن تقديم الوجبات دون تأخير لضمان توفير الخدمة بشكل سلس وفعّال للحجاج.
Service client
Le service client est assuré de manière exhaustive à La Mecque et à Médine, où des représentants du service client et des superviseurs sont postés dans les centres d’accueil pour garantir le confort des pèlerins. Cela comprend l’accueil, l’orientation, la fourniture d’informations nécessaires, ainsi que l’assurance de l’hébergement des pèlerins et la remise des cartes d’information requises. Le transport entre les villes saintes est organisé et assuré pour la sécurité. De plus, du personnel administratif et de terrain qualifié est fourni pour interagir avec les pèlerins et répondre efficacement à leurs besoins.
Dans le service d’hébergement à La Mecque et Médine, nous veillons à la préparation des logements désignés pour les pèlerins en vérifiant que toutes les spécifications et normes requises par le Comité du logement ou le Ministère du Tourisme sont respectées. Cela comprend la vérification de la disponibilité de la propriété avant l’arrivée des pèlerins et la résolution de tout défaut ou besoin pour assurer la fourniture d’un environnement de vie confortable et sûr pour les invités du Miséricordieux. Ces mesures contribuent à offrir une expérience d’hébergement confortable et distinctive pour les pèlerins lors de l’accomplissement des rituels du Hajj et de la Omra.
Le soutien logistique
Préparer les pèlerins hospitalisés pour le transport organisé par le ministère de la Santé vers les lieux saints, en plus de coordonner avec les autorités sanitaires pour identifier les cas hospitalisés et suivre leurs arrangements de transport. À La Mecque, des guides d’orientation sont fournis pour le train des lieux saints et les rituels de lapidation, à raison d’un guide par 250 pèlerins, tandis qu’une carte intelligente est distribuée à chaque pèlerin au point d’arrivée.
La nutrition
Nous nous assurons que la société Zamzam a fourni de l’eau de Zamzam, l’a transportée et distribuée aux logements des pèlerins à raison d’une bouteille de 330 ml par pèlerin et par jour pendant 20 jours. Nous assurons également la distribution d’une bouteille de 330 ml dans les centres de réception et de transport pour les pèlerins.